Animated squares
Un regard engagé
An Engaged Eye
Centre Pompidou
Paris, France
October 5, 2022 –
January 16, 2023
Pompidou details
Neel at Centre Pompidou Paris
An icon of militant feminism and a precursor of an intersectional approach, Neel often painted women – nudes who were a far cry from the traditional paradigm shaped by the male view and devoid of any sentimentality. The exhibition was divided into two parts structured freely around the notions of class and gender struggle. In total, some 75 paintings and drawings were on display. Visit their website.
Le Monde
At the Centre Pompidou, realist painter Alice Neel emerges from obscurity
Philippe Dagen, Le Monde
October 22, 2022
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Art Newspaper
While her New York peers were fighting over the future of abstraction, Alice Neel was urgently capturing life
Matthew Holman, The Art Newspaper
October 28, 2022
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Les Echoes
Discovering the American painter Alice Neel
A la découverte de la peintre américaine Alice Neel
Judith Benhamoud, Les Echoes, November 4, 2022
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Beaux Arts
The Human Comedy
of Alice Neel
La comédie humaine
d’Alice Neel
Daphné Bétard, BeuxArts
October 18, 2022
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de Young
People Come First
de Young Museum
San Francisco
March 12, 2022 –
July 10, 2022
de Young details
Neel at de Young Museum San Francisco
Alice Neel was one of the twentieth century’s most radical painters. This was the first comprehensive West Coast retrospective of Neel’s work. The award-winning exhibition included paintings, drawings, and watercolors, along with additional artworks and media exclusive to the San Francisco show. Installation view photograph by Gary Sexton, courtesy of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Visit their website.
Click here to watch an interview with Lauren Palmore, Assistant Curator of American art at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco. She describes Neel as "Decades ahead of her time in her sympathy for her neighbors in Spanish Harlem, for LGBTQ+ couples, for creatives of all walks of life. She saw everyone's innate humanity. That's what really set her apart..."
ABC7 News
March 13, 2022
This past July 12, a New York Times headline blared what practically sounded like the launch of a full-blown campaign: It’s Time to Put Alice Neel in Her Rightful Place in the Pantheon. They were right; and it should be stated that said pantheon does not just include the top female artists of her generation, but arguably all of the most prominent American artists of the 20th Century.
Nena Hawke
March 15, 2022
business man
San Fran examiner
How could an artist of such relaxed countenance plunge the depths of human existence with such detail and empathy ... without taking on some of those very depths? That’s one of the many questions that art-goers will have as they traverse an exhibit that reveals an artist who was both of her time and ahead of her time in the way she spotlighted people and scenes the art world had previously ignored. Read more
Jonathan Curiel
The San Francisco Examiner
March 10, 2022
That thrilling combination of representation and abstraction is so contemporary, it’s possible to now take the radicalness of Neel’s work for granted. But one need only to look at Childbirth (1939), thought to be one of the first Western paintings to represent a woman giving birth, to understand how Neel’s desire to depict all aspects of life made her work so remarkable. Read more
Sarah Hotchkiss
March 11, 2022
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de Young


The Met

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Xavier Hufkens
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David Zwirner
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Alice Neel:
Seeing who we are
Xavier Hufkens
January 27 –
March 5, 2022
Xavier Details
Neel at Xavier Hufkins, Brussels
Painted over a fifty-year period, this thoughtfully selected group of paintings includes many never previously exhibited works, illuminating the creative evolution of her oeuvre across the decades. Pairing portraits of youth with the elderly, we are led to reflect on life’s most meaningful questions: when do we become who we are? And how have we changed? Visit the Xavier Hufkens website.
Alice Neel:
The Early Years
David Zwirner
New York
September 9 –
October 16, 2021
Zwerner details
Neel at David Zwirner, New York
David Zwirner is pleased to present an exhibition of paintings and works on paper by Alice Neel (1900–1984) from the first decades of the artist’s influential career. On view at the gallery’s 537 West 20th Street location, the focused presentation centers around works from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, and includes interiors, memory paintings, New York City streetscapes, and intimate portraits of family and others close to Neel.
Zwerner NY Times quote
The New York Times
September 30, 2021
‘Art Gallery Shows to See Right Now.’ By Will Heinrich
The canvases in “Alice Neel: The Early Years”, at David Zwirner, curated by Ginny Neel, the artist’s daughter-in-law, with Bellatrix Hubert … are arranged, very loosely, in order of size and weight as well as chronology, as if to guide viewers toward a transcendent encounter with the artist’s grown sons. Captured, with Neel’s singular magic … are pulsing, slippery and alive, at once present and opaque. Read here
Fondation Beyeler
Fondation Beyeler
September 19 –
January 2, 2022
Fondation Beyeler details
Close-Up at Fondation Beyeler
Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Lotte Laserstein, Frida Kahlo, Alice Neel, Marlene Dumas, Cindy Sherman, Elizabeth Peyton. The exhibition shows works by women artists occupying prominent positions within the history of modern art from 1870 to the present day. The work by Alice Neel that will be featured is a wonderful painting seldom loaned: Richard at Age Five, 1945.
Fondation Beyeler essay
Close-Up Catalogue
It’s clear that, as with all Neel’s portraits, the proximate and intimate encounter staged in Pregnant Woman is that between the artist and her model... There is nothing abstracted or distant about the encounter. This is a confrontation with the human as a physical and psychological presence.
Portraiture and Proximity Meditations in a Time of Social Distancing. Essay by Tamar Garb. Buy the book
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David Zwirner
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Alice Neel:
Seeing who we are
Xavier Hufkens
January 27 –
March 5, 2022
Xavier details
Neel at Xavier Hufkins, Brussels
Pairing portraits of youth with the elderly, we are led to reflect on life’s most meaningful questions: when do we become who we are? And how have we changed? Visit the Xavier Hufkens website.
Alice Neel:
The Early Years
David Zwirner
New York
September 9 –
October 16, 2021
Zwerner details
Neel at David Zwirner
New York
David Zwirner's exhibition of paintings and works on paper by Alice Neel (1900–1984) from the first decades of the artist’s influential career. On view at the gallery the focused presentation centered around works from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, and included interiors, New York City streetscapes, and intimate portraits.
Zwerner NY Times quote
“Alice Neel: The Early Years”, at David Zwirner, curated by Ginny Neel, the artist’s daughter-in-law, with Bellatrix Hubert … are arranged, very loosely, in order of size and weight as well as chronology, as if to guide viewers toward a transcendent encounter with the artist’s grown sons.
The New York Times
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Fondation Beyeler
Fondation Beyeler
September 19 –
January 2, 2022
Fondation Beyeler details
Close-Up at Fondation Beyeler
Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Lotte Laserstein, Frida Kahlo, Alice Neel, Marlene Dumas, Cindy Sherman, Elizabeth Peyton. The exhibition showed works by women artists occupying prominent positions within the history of modern art from 1870 to the present day. Neel's featured is a wonderful painting seldom loaned: Richard at Age Five, 1945.
Fondation Beyeler essay
Close-Up Catalogue
It’s clear that, as with all Neel’s portraits, the proximate and intimate encounter staged in Pregnant Woman is that between the artist and her model... There is nothing abstracted or distant about the encounter. This is a confrontation with the human as a physical and psychological presence.
Portraiture and Proximity Meditations in a Time of Social Distancing. Essay by Tamar Garb. Buy the book
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